
Children's entertainer Lucy

Lucy is friendly, energetic and in love with her craft!

Since 2017 Lucy has entertained hundreds of parties and worked in hundreds of different schools.  She presents workshops (Professor Bubbleworks, Fit 4 Kids, Mindful Minis and First Aid Friends) and regularly performs in bilingual plays and pantomimes.  Passionate about her work in education and entertainment, Lucy is developing her own content as Joy 4 Kids,  alongside her many exciting birthday party themes.

With a second actor, she creates and tours French and Spanish Theatre for Primary Schools, such as her fun and interactive plays Búsqueda Del Tesoro and Au Musée , both touring in Summer term 2024.  

She also offers solo performances, such as her EYFS and KS1 French workshop or her Au Pays Des Lutins interactive theatre play, both available all year.  

All of Lucy’s MFL creations are highly interactive, including storytelling, mimes, repetition, singing, dancing and games. 

Lucy Dreyer - children's theatre, workshops and entertainment

“I really enjoy working with children, teaching them new things and having tons of fun.  Following so much positive feedback I knew my career would be focused on developing my own content.  I have so many ideas and am very excited to be bringing them to life.  Working with children age 2 to 11 is such a joy!”

A children's entertainer whose also an actress

Here's a few examples of workshops and plays in which I performed.

Theatre In Education picture

Onatti Productions

Interactive bilingual shows for primary school pupils

Instilling Inspiration

Mindful Minis - Fit 4 Kids - Professor Bubbleworks

The Wizard of Oz pantomime picture

Panto In A Day

School touring pantomimes: The Wizard of Oz - Dick Whittington

Time to French it up!!!

Lucy is currently offering bilingual workshops and performances to help pupils practise and consolidate their French.   Would you like Joy 4 Kids to enhance your school’s MFL experience? Contact Lucy and she’ll promptly get back to you.

A few more precious pictures